Teaching in China
Our teaching placements in China are in primary schools and middle schools in Beijing. During the summer months you can also help in rural community schools for the poor.
Being able to speak English in China really does improve the employment prospects of the children you will be teaching. As China’s economic boom continues to grow, more and more jobs are being created in the export sector, most notably in the technology sector. Therefore, English is vitally important to the career prospects of nearly all young Chinese people.
The children already spend time learning English but the schools have specifically asked for help to improve the children’s spoken English. Your principal role will be as a language assistant, helping the children to speak and understand the spoken word.
Some of the schools are looking for help with children with special needs. If you are interested in working with children with learning difficulties or disabilities, please let us know as we have a number of schools that have asked for your help.
Note all projects working with children require a background check. This is an extra cost of about £10 but we will make the necessary arrangements. Parking tickets, speeding fines, and some criminal convictions will not prevent you from joining us; we simply check if you have any prior convictions relating to harming children.
All costs shown above are for one month. Additional months can be added for £595.
You choose your dates for teaching, orphanage, journalism and medical placements but spaces throughout the year are limited so reserve your space now.
Why are some dates cheaper than others? Our pricing policy explained.