HIV Awareness and Counselling Projects
The global HIV/AIDS epidemic is continuing to grow despite initial optimism that prevention strategies implemented several years ago were beginning to have a positive affect. By 2005, the number of those infected had grown to more than 40 million, double the number in 1995 and ninety-six percent of these cases were in the lesser developed world.
Furthermore, according to UNAIDS and WHO, stigma and discrimination, whether actual or feared, remain perhaps the most difficult obstacles to prevention of HIV.
Global Volunteer Projects is working with a number of different agencies to increase awareness of how to prevent transmission and infection of HIV/AIDS amongst key groups and also to try and remove some of the stigma attached to people living with HIV and AIDS.
Africa’s battle with HIV/AIDS is without doubt one of the greatest problems facing the continent today. Ghana has been praised for its active campaigns to educate people about the realities of the virus, but an estimated 350,000 people here were living with HIV in 2003 – and that number is now widely believed to have doubled.
The subject of sexual health and HIV / AIDS is one that is rarely discussed openly or in public in India, where attitudes to sex are very different to our own. However, India has now identified that the nation’s sexual health, and HIV / AIDS in particular, are issues that need to be urgently addressed.
The HIV awareness program in Tanzania is based at the HIV department of a hospital in Arusha. You will learn about the management and treatment protocols for HIV and how they are put into practice.