Our journalism placements in Mexico are based at various newspapers, TV stations, radio stations and websites. Our placements are tailored to your experience, interests and level of Spanish. For those with basic or no Spanish you will be working on publications and websites serving the English speaking populations of Puerto Vallarta or Guadalajara.
Both have sizeable populations of English speaking expatriates, mainly from the USA, as well as a large seasonal population of tourists. A large amount of media is dedicated to serving this population. Therefore, the topics covered are wide ranging.
The focus of the media varies, mainly focussing on local activities and issues. However, the media also covers culture & history, economics, health & science, sports, as well as national and international current affairs. Therefore your experience here will be diverse and wide-ranging, with lots of hands-on work.
For those with intermediate Spanish we work with Spanish language TV and radio stations, newswires and newspapers in Guanajuato. You can either specialise in one aspect of media (print or broadcast) or spend a time in all, understanding the different demands of both print and broadcast journalists. The placements in Guanajuato are with regional, national and international press organisations so you could find yourself covering local events one day or the World Rally Championships the next.
On all our projects, your work will also be very varied and could include accompanying and assisting reporters as they investigate stories, preparing and conducting interviews or getting popular public opinion on current topics of interest. Other areas of work will include proof-reading and editing articles, possibly contributing to layout ideas, and just generally helping whenever and wherever your assistance is required. Knowledge of computers and working in Word, Excel, etc., are an advantage as is any previous experience at home.
This is a serious work experience programme and applicants must be able to demonstrate a very real interest in following a career in media. The publication will expect you to contribute ideas and make suggestions rather than sit around and just make the tea.
Even when working on English language publications, a basic understanding of Spanish is essential as the people you will be working with and possibly interviewing may not speak English.
You choose your start date but spaces throughout the year are limited so reserve your space now.